
HSvu Info pic

The HSvu app.(HighScore view application) opens and displays all kinds of X-ray diffraction scans in various file formats.

Additionally it shows and reports all details from an X-ray powder diffraction analysis performed by the HighScore analysis software from PANalytical (documents in the proprietary .HPF or .HPF2 formats). HighScore Plus (documents from HighScore with the Plus option) are supported too.

Finally HSvu can send scan data (from XRD scan files or from a HighScore document) to other people; this means it acts as a file converter too.

More explanations are found at:

  1. HSvu Introduction
  2. HSvu Open from email…
  3. HSvu Open from drop box…
  4. HSvu File Formats
  5. HSvu User Interface
  6. HSvu Graphics
  7. HSvu Reports
  8. HSvu Pie Chart
  9. HSvu Settings
  10. HSvu Feedback

You can also download the complete explanations in PDF format with bookmarks as HSvu.PDF.

By downloading and using the HSvu application you agree to the terms and conditions. The smallprint (the actual end-user-license-agreements) are here:

EULA for the HSvu App on MAC and iOS devices
EULA for the HSvu App on Android devices

Attention pic ATTENTION:
HSvu requires processing power and some memory. The data file size handled by HSvu is limited by the device capabilities and its performance.

HSvu Introduction

HSvu Splash pic

Experience the power and ease-of-use of HighScore with the HSvu app.:

The actual version 1.0.12 is the 6th bugfix on the initial release version 1.0 containing the following changes:

Attention pic ATTENTION:
HSvu is a display or viewing application.
It shows existing data, but it neither performs an analysis nor does it change data.
You can send raw scan data either in its original format, or converted into a comma-separated values (CSV) ASCII format.

Import of scans or documents from email:

You can directly open the selected email attachments in HSvu:

Open from email pic

Import of scans or documents from drop box:

Select the scan or document on go to Open with…, then go to HSvu.

Open from dropbox pic

HSvu File Formats

The following file formats are supported in HSvu:

Tip pic Tip:
To compare several scans with each other you insert them into a new document in HSvu.

HSvu User Interface

Depending on the available size and resolution, the graphical user interface is shown in different ways. The major interface elements are:

HSvu Splash pic

1. Files List:
The list of  .HPF documents and data files available for HSvu. At the top there are some example files from PANalytical, which you cannot delete. The user files are situated below the examples.
2. Unzoom picUnzoom (double-tap):
Zoom-out after you zoomed into the graphics display; double-tap is an alternative way to zoom in or out.
3. Share picShare selected file:
Send the selected file from the file list to somebody else.
4. Share picShare HSvu data:
Share data shown in HSvu with your friends.
Graphics can be printed, emailed (iMessage) or stored (iCloud);
Reports can be emailed (zipped report file plus style sheet plus graphics).
5. Main graphics / text area:
The main area displays graphical or textual information about a document or scan data.
The actual graphics view is selected under HSvu Settings. Graphics is often shown on two panes.
The (mostly) textual information is selected under HSvu Reports.
5a. Y-axis area:
Double tap to directly change the Y-axis scaling.
5b. X-axis area:
Double tap to directly change the X-axis scaling.
6. Opening mode:
Switch between opening a data file or inserting a data file into a document.
Attention pic ATTENTION: You cannot insert a document into another document. Insertion works only for scan files.
7. Tab bar below the graphics:
switches between
Graphics tab pic   Graphics,
Settings tab pic   Settings,
Reports tab pic   Reports, or a
Pie chart tab pic   Pie chart.
8. Double-tab outside the graphics area:
Switch between graphical views directly.

Note pic Note:
The availability of certain graphics or reports is depending on the actual data present (or not!) in the selected .HPF document or in the selected scan.

HSvu Graphics

The graphics always show scan data. From a HighScore document more data like peaks, reference patterns, a profile, a difference plot and more are shown.

Most graphics cover two panes, the main graphics above and the additional graphics pane below.

You change the graphics displays (both panes independently) with the HSvu settings.

Tip pic Tip:
Some graphic properties are unavailable in HSvu. For completely customized graphics proceed as follows:

  1. Set all graphic properties according to your needs in a document using the original HighScore software.
  2. Save this document from HighScore.
  3. Open the document with HSvu.
  4. Save the current graphics settings to the HSvu template.

HSvu Reports

Reports are the way to look at different information in a HighScore analysis document or from a scan file. Reports contain textual information and sometimes graphics as well.

In HSvu, reports replace the detailed lists with textual information present in the original HighScore software.

Select one of the predefined reports:

Attention pic ATTENTION:
Some (parts of) reports remain empty, when the corresponding data is absent.

HSvu Pie Chart

Quantitative results are displayed in HSvu on three tabs in different ways. These results are either based on RIR (Reference Intensity Ratio) values or on (relative or absolute) Rietveld refinements.

Attention pic ATTENTION:
The quantitative results tabs remains empty when quantitative data is absent in the viewed HighScore document.

Tip pic Tip:
The error of the quantification results is shown in HSvu exactly the same way as it was configured in HighScore for the viewed  .HPF document.

Anchor Scan tab:

The anchor scan tab displays the quantitative results from the anchor scan in a pie chart. It shows the numerical results in the legend of the pie chart.

You change the pie chart (from flat to pseudo-3-dimensional) with the HSvu settings.

All Scans tab:

The all scans view shows the quantification in a bar chart for all scans of the document together(MultiQuant view). This is only possible when:

All Scans Table tab:

The all scans table shows the same information as the all scans tab, but instead of a bar chart it displays all numerical values in a table. You can copy the table and paste it directly into a spreadsheet program, if required.

The columns of this table are shown as they were configured in HighScore for the viewed  .HPF document.

HSvu Settings

The HSvu settings determine how graphics and the pie charts are displayed in HSvu. They also allow access to the About… box, to the website and to this help file. These settings are identical with the corresponding possibilities in the original HighScore software from PANalytical.

All scan files are opened with the default view template. You change the default view template by saving your actual settings into the template.
All HighScore documents are opened with the view they are saved with. You can change the display in HSvu by changing the settings - but you cannot store the document with the changed display again.

Tip pic Tip:
Save any combination of settings you like for future use in the HSvu template file.

Provides a link to the HSvu and to the HighScore websites and to this help system. Additionally shows the release version of HSvu.
View Settings:
View settings change the graphical displays. They are separated into:
Main Views (select):
  • Ref. Pattern view
  • Analyze view
  • Compare view
  • 2D view
  • 3D view
  • Isolines view
Additional Views (select):
  • Zoom overview
  • Difference plot
  • FWHM statistics
  • All-in-One (Ref.Patt.)
  • Compare mode (Ref.Patt.)
  • Separate (Ref.Patt.)
  • Ref. pattern view
Axes Settings:
Axes Settings:
Axes settings change the scales of the X-axis and of the intensity-axis Y:
Y-axis scale (select):
  • Linear Y-axis
  • Square root Y-axis
  • Logarithmic Y-axis
X-axis scale (select):
  • ° θ scale
  • ° 2θ scale
  • ° 4θ scale
  • Sin2 θ scale
  • d-spacing [Å] scale
  • Arbitrary scale (datasets with different X-axes)
  • Q reciprocal space (for PDF analysis)
or double tap into the axis area to select!
Other Settings:
This is a mixture of more settings changing the appearance and the display of graphics, also in combination with zooming.
  • Zoom Y-axis too on/off (select please)
  • Show scan as line on/off (select please)
  • Isolines 3D on/off (select please)
  • Pie chart 3D on/off (select please)
  • Legend font size (enter please)
  • Canvas color (select please)
  • Background color (select)
  • Export bitmap scale factor (enter)
  • Quant. Display (select from:
    Normal, AsReceived, K-Factor corrected)
  • K-Factor (enter)
    The K-factor must be entered for an amorphous quantification using it.
  • File list mode (select)
  • Send scan data converted to zipped CSV files (select)
  • Save current settings to template
Tethering is the remote control of a HighScore application from a personal hot spot through a wireless connection (Internet, LAN, Bluetooth, …)
  • Allowed adaptors (select…)
  • I use tethering on/off

HSvu Feedback

All users of HSvu are encouraged to help us improving our software products. Any comment, complaint, question, missing function, bug, cryptic help, wrong result and so on that you send to us is a valuable input for the next version of the software.

It is a good practice to illustrate your comments by sending us a diffraction document ( .HPF format), and input data file (various formats) or a screen dump, a report or any other output from the application. This helps to understand your comments and localize possible bugs.

Email is a convenient way sending feedback to us:

© Malvern Panalytical B.V. 2023.